The Starcke Universal Consciousness

The goal of Starcke Consciousness is the Advancement and Application of Mystical Consciousness across all beings throughout the Universe. Mystical Consciousness is a State of Inclusive Oneness we can all share for the uplifting of consciousness as it recognizes it’s Divinity and applies the Divine Process to living well. Its All God. We are all One Consciousness. We are reaching out to all consciousness, the Thread that is us. 

Statement of Faith

Mystical Consciousness is a Church beyond walls and dominations. In this State of Consciousness there is safe space for the uplifting of all humanity and the ground on which we live, the Earth. Yet this Consciousness is Cosmic. It’s Divinity is Universal and individual. 

Our main purpose is to help all who ask to find Universal Truth, regardless of race, gender, background or other church affiliations. We believe in allowing individual responsibility for spiritual growth.

The work Starcke is simply an impetus to bring about subjective realization and objectification of a holistic world view and new patterns of holy experience. We are not followers, we are individauls who share the Mystical consciousness. Our focus is sharing in Consciousness as Consciousness. We found during this process we are not thinking about “people” reading this and learning something, rather to inspire the uplifting of all consciousness.

And, as Consciousness speaking to Consciousness, we found we are speaking to ourSelf about healing our objective world, subjectively.

It’s All God, as our first priority is to know God
This is the First Star Key:
“Thou shalt Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
“The Self–realization of God as individual expression
This is the Second Star Key
“Thou shalt Love thy neighbor as thy Self.”
Mathew 22:35-40

 We advocate the replacement of fear, anger, and hatred in all situations with Love, compassion, and peaceful negotiations based on Oneness.


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