God is Always Identifying Our True Self

In Jewish Scriptures, Habakkuk states, “”God, “Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil”.
How can a pure, perfect, Infinite and Indivisible Vital Mind see any impurity in Itself and the result is us? It does not and we are not impure!

When the divine Mind awakens, in other words, creates us into Its Being as recorded by Moses in Genesis Chapter One, It is Mind, beholding, or reflecting upon Itself, and here we are !.This pure God-being is Moses experience of I Am.

We have never lost, nor been separated from our innocence, in other words, our in-one-ness.
Our True Being, said another way, our True Identity is always held at one with Mind’s own Self-reflecting activity. This true reflection is called the I Am or the Christ Mind.

The seeds of an identity or a mind separate from God can be very subtle. A fellow minister reminded us recently of St. Francis’ prayer, “God make me an instrument of Thy peace…”.

An “instrument” is yet another subtle form of expressing the belief of separation from our Source. An accurate statement of St. Francis’ Truth is, “Mind makes us the “activity” of Its peace. We are the Activity of the Divine Mind, in other words, our True Being is what the Divine Mind is thinking about ItSelf, which is the Christ, the Truth.

Infinite Divine Mind, the Divine Principle, is eternally Knowing Its us as Its Infinite Being into Infinite, Indivisible Wholeness by knowing Itself infinitely. All of God’s creation is in its Own Image and after its Own Likeness. We are Mind knowing Itself , period. Said another way, we are What Mind is thinking about ItSelf.

This is the constitution, condition and continuity of all true Being without any interruptions or resistance. We are the glory of an eternally pure process of our God-being.

In New Thought, we recognize synonyms for “God”, to inspire ever fuller realization of the One divine Love, Spirit, Mind, Truth, Substance, Life and Harmony.
Two premises and one conclusion will help bring a fuller realization of our True Identity into daily experience.

“Divine Mind is All”.
“Ye have the Mind of Christ”
“Only the Christ Mind can include good thoughts.”
Therefore, when we are thinking good, or God thoughts, we are are consciously in our Christ Mind, our True Identity.
In New Thought, we recognize synonyms for “God”, to inspire ever fuller realization by thinking of the One divine Love, Spirit, Mind, Truth, Substance, Life and Harmony.
Rev. Joey Gorka, Assistant to the Dean
Lola P. Mays New Thought School of Ministry – Sedona Seminary

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